Processing Time

Processing time is 5- 10 working days. However production of certain outfits require 15 working days. Processing times are not included in the estimated delivery time at checkout

Shipping rates

Shipping rates are calculated at checkout and vary depending on your delivery location

Item not delivered?

If you have not yet received your order within the estimated delivery time, please allow an extra 3 days before contacting us because packages may have been delayed by selected courier service. Once items are dispatched it is the responsibility of the courier service to ensure items are delivered. Items will be resent if returned to us by the courier.

Customs and Duties Charges

Shipments crossing international borders (outside Nigeria) are most likely subjected to the assessment of duties and taxes imposed by the delivery country’s government. These charges will be included at checkout except otherwise required by the delivery countries (some countries require duties to be paid at the border).

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding our policy, please don’t hesitate to contact customer support team